AronovaLive! The tech behind fintech, powering instant eligibility, global credit limits and real-time operations. Read more about it here.
Featured, Analysis, Fintech
Setting portfolio-wide debtor credit limits
Are automated debtor credit limits sufficiently reliable for use in trade credit insurance and trade finance environments? We hear a lot about “AI” and “Turning Data into Knowledge.” However, do these advances realistically have a place in debtor credit limit management and should insurers or funders rely on them? From our experience, I’d say the […]
AronovaLive! – real-time control of working capital finance
Our latest innovation gives those in charge of working capital finance access to a range of market-leading features. This provides more control, saves time and increases security. With Aronova […]
The quarterly newsletter from our MD David Baker provides an overview on: the recovery after the pandemic instant credit limit decisions rated funding programmes Q4 forecasts and predictions Start of […]
Nearly a year and a half on from the first real reports of the coronavirus, the glimmer of normality is finally looking like it may actually become a reality. With nearly 78 million doses given and […]
Earlier in the year London celebrated the milestone of 15M UK citizens being vaccinated against Covid – a great achievement by the UK government, but my thoughts watching this took me back […]
Support for North and South American clients and partners
Our North and South American business volumes have steadily been increasing over the last few months. To support this expansion, we’ve decided to set-up a US subsidiary – Aronova Inc and […]