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David Baker
< 1min read
By Simon Mellodew
May 27, 2020
David has spent his entire business life working with business information and developing information-based products and solutions.
From the mid 80’s to early 90’s, David worked in both mainland Europe and in the UK for The Infocheck Group, before joining AMA (Hilton Malcolm Underwriting) to develop one of the first transactional online trade credit insurance solutions. In 1997, David moved into the Lloyd’s underwriting market and became one of the founding Directors of Harvey Bowring Credit (Amlin Credit) where he was responsible for the development and delivery of – one of the most advanced trade credit insurance products of its time.
David is married with two children. He adores red wine and really enjoys rugby, both at youth and senior level. He supports Newcastle United and plays a mean round of golf. He speaks pretty good French and spends quite a lot of time in the USA.
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