We provide technology and services to an international network of funding providers, banks, asset managers, institutional investors, insurers and large corporates
Our operations cover the entire lifecycle of a receivables-backed working capital program. So whether you’re simply looking for global debtor credit limits or maybe you need to outsource your entire receivables finance operations, Aronova can provide a modular service offering tailored solutions to fit your needs.

We provide asset managers, banks and insurers with the visibility, control and certainty they need to provide receivables-backed working capital programs.
We help large corporates manage the day-to-day operational and compliance rigours imposed by their funding program and maximise working capital benefits.
We work exclusively through a network of carefully chosen, trusted partners, intermediaries and industry specialists with whom we build lasting, strategic relationships.

We specialise in operating whole-portfolio programs with an emphasis on trade receivables, but we also manage programs supported by other asset classes, including:
- Trade payables
- Corporate loans
- Unbilled / pro-forma invoices
- Corporate credit cards

Our role is clear – we use our resources, technology and infrastructure to help transaction parties evaluate, deliver and securely operate portfolio-wide receivables-backed working capital finance programs.
- We don’t originate or structure transactions
- We don’t provide funding
- We’re not a broker or intermediary
- We don’t provide insurance

We’re an independent company, wholly owned by the original founders and key employees.
- No external influences
- We’re trusted and known for our integrity
- No blurred lines
- Responsive and dynamic

Our modular business solutions cover the entire lifecycle of a receivables-backed working capital funding program, providing transaction parties with a one-stop, turnkey platform covering;
- Quick and accurate assessment of potential funding opportunities
- Daily cycle of receivables collection, eligibility, pricing & sale
- Repurchasing, cash reconciliation and cash transfer instructions
- Always on fraud monitoring, backup servicing & insurance integration
You originate and fund, we’ll provide the day-to-day operations.